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Lesson Notes


The conditional mood is formed by using the following form of the auxiliary verb "съм", followed by the active past aorist participle of the verb:

  • аз бих
  • ти би
  • той/тя/то би
  • ние бихме
  • вие бихте
  • те биха


"Аз бих работил(а)" - I would work
"Те биха работили" - They would work
"Ние бихме били богати" - We would be rich

Note how the participle has to agree in number and gender with the subject.

Like in English, the conditional is used for hypothetical sentences or for politeness:

"Би ли дошъл (дошла) с мен?" - Would you come with me?
"Ако имах деца, не бих работил(а)" - If I had children, I would not work
"Бих искал(а) чай" - I would like some tea

Note how in the first sentence, the "ли" particle follows the auxiliary.

Clitics (short dative and accusative personal pronouns, as well as the "ли" particle) may be placed between the auxiliary and the participle:

"Бих го използвал(а)" - I would use it
"Биха ли го изяли?" - Would they eat it?

New Vocabulary

In this exercise, you will also practice the following new vocabulary:

  • insect: насекомо (plural: насекоми)
  • chance (opportunity): възможност (f)
  • abroad: в чужбина
  • to recommend: препоръчвам imperf. and препоръчам perf.
  • to believe: вярвам imperf.


Exercise 1

Пловдив, Тайланд, препоръчам, възможност, чужбина


Exercise 2

Англия, желая, вярвам
